The most famous holiday ghost story, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, makes its appearance for our first Deck the Haunted Halls Saturday "Throwback." Mosaic Players member Christopher Plotts recorded the first stave of the story last year for our Virtual Advent Calendar and we're very excited to share it with you again today. The other four staves will be posted throughout the month so you're in for a treat!
"A sad tale’s best for winter ... I have one. Of sprites and goblins.”
Mamillius, Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale
During the month of December, please join the Mosaic Players by the light of our shared virtual screens as we enjoy ghostly tales. Our members will be recording songs, stories, readings, and more. As videos become available, we'll post them here, there, and everywhere. If you have a ghostly tale that you'd like to share, please contact Artistic Director, Rebecca Zellar (rebecca.zellar@mosaicplayers.org). 'Tis the season!