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Thank You to our Founding Members

Mosaic Players is officially a year old and I (Rebecca) wanted to publicly thank the people who helped develop the theatre company during our fledgling year. We collaborated on the mission statement, creative focus and development of the year, Witches Night Out, the Virtual Advent Calendar, adapting The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and so much more. Your input and talents are invaluable. Much love and respect to all of you.

2020/2021 Founding Members

Tiffany Cappel, Tom Cappel, Connie Wurster, Chris Riter, Clara Riter, Justyna Chrupek, Bartek Chrupek, Stacy Griffiths, Sarah Crothers, Christi Nicholson, Christopher Plotts, Gretchen Grassl, Jessica Buehler, Jamie Lee, Jennifer Drinka, Sheri Warren, Sara Shalom, Meghan Lane, Patrick Blake, Jeanna Daebelliehn, Jordan Scherer, Kristy Warren, Cristi Formeller, Josh Formeller, Bonnie Hart, Gary Luz, Valerie Blumreich, Melissa Frank, Natalie Ortega, Nicole Heyl, Ivan Ortega, Renee Johnson, Allee Wulfekuhle, Jessica Augustine, Susan McCuistion, Shola Jimoh, Jamie Gross, Holly Sloan Parrish, Tara Petrozelli, Jaime Churchill, Bob Wang, Bella Muir, Chase Muir, Stacy Muir, Professor Benjamin R. Caras, Tony Caldara, Claire Haran, Cynthia Haran, Austin Elliott, Randy Margison, Robert Krause, Aaron Gomez, Matthew Leptich, Thomas Neumann, Haley Berg, Elaine Cashmore, Catherine Wu, Randi Beyer, Lynn Sciaraffa, Janelle Graf, Jason Clark, Zach Norton, Kris Bieber, Jenny Minakawa, MJ Dulmage, Brooke Nagra, Matthew Craig, Gus Capone, Bruch Reed, Annie Ruggles, and Annika Churchill. If you would like to become a Mosaic Player or renew your membership, please fill out the membership application. Thank you!

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